It's Art that makes our life rich and more beautiful. I've been creating since my childhood. It was my pleasure to draw and cheer up my family especially when the work was well done. In primary school I participated in a contest by TV Slovenia with a drawing of a Self-portrait and so I got an award and encouragement for the future work (1988 ). A year later I got oil colours as a gift and so I created one of my first oil on canvas paintings-Velvet Woman (1989 ) and several portraits in this technique. Creating my own paintings was much more attractive than drawing programs in the Middle School for Fashion, Design and Photography that I attended. Really, I felt this was my vocation. Since then, my artwork has been a record of my, not always easy life experience, like a diary you can trust to.
I link up inspiration and intuition. It often happens to me that I paint something hidden to the eyes which later on reveals itself as truth. Sometimes I got the idea through dreams.
I've always admired statues which however, seemed to me somehow sad. I wanted to breathe some life into them by the help of colours. So I started with my technique relief on canvas. My first in this technique was Slovenian Girl (2000 ). I was satisfied with it and it gave me courage to create more. But it was a very time-consuming technique and it forced me to seek other materials and possibilities. Then in 2008 I became acquainted with the technique of painting on silk. I liked it, so I created a whole series of paintings on silk. And recently I've discovered some material which helps me mould relief on canvas in a faster and easier way.
I want to remain true to my own expression and I'm looking forward to new challenges. Every artist is his/her own little world and as such contributes his/her gifts to the collective cultural heritage.

2010 - present
2010 - present
Professional info:
-Solo exhibition-Rainbow Veil, Hotel Lovec, Bled, Slovenia
-Collective Exhibition by Iternational Artists, Opera Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
-The Man who Drank up a River-solo exhibition, Metropolitan library of Ljubljana, Slovenia
-European Contemporary Party, Collective Exhibition, Opera Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
-World Art Expo, Collective Exhibition, Brea, California
-Exhibition of three artists, Chateau Corbin, Liverdun, France
-Collective exhibition, Human Rights, National Museum, Caserta, Italy
-Solo exhibition, Cafe-Galerija Ljubljana, Slovenia
-Group exhibition 'Dubai Art Project' in Dubai
-Exhibition about sustainability in Uppsala Castle in Sweden
-Group exhibition Human Rights? In Rovereto, Trento, Italy
-Group exhibition 'Art In Mind', Brick Lane Gallery, London
-Scenograpy for dancing performance Prince of Persia
-Humanitarian exhibition and auction-Painters for children in Ljubljana ZOO
-the Painting-The Nativity Scene-was exhibited in Kulvant Hall in Prasanti Nilajam, India
-Humanitarian exhibition in Galery Januš, Ljubljana
-Woman Mail Art ( group exhibition) Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India with ilustration Girl in Lotos
-humanitarian exhibition in gallery Januš, Židovska5, Ljubljana
-Exhibition Kali Yuga NUK, Ljubljana
-14. August the exhibition Spirit of the Orient with Rajko Ferk and Peter Bajec in hotel Betnava, Maribor
-The group exhibition Now remember 2013 in hotel Betnava, Maribor Slovenia
-Solo exhibition more than just a Dream in The Economic Faculty of Ljubljana
-Solo exhibition in UKC Ljubljana, Slovenia